

1 Former M.Sc. Student of Agricultural Extension and Education, Shiraz University, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Dept. of Agricultural Extension and Education, Shiraz University, Iran.


In desspit of governments attention for improving rural areas which have potential for rural tourism development, there is less attended to their residents' attitudes in this regard. Therefore, this study aims to analyze rural residents' attitude toward rural tourism impacts. Research method is descriptive by using survey technique for data collection. Those local households who live in three villages (Rood, Darbehesht and Ghar) were the research population. Thus, 113 households were selected as sample group by using proportional random sampling method. Finding revealed there is meaningful statistical difference between attitude toward rural tourism impacts and level of education; membership in local associations and residents' job. Besides, results of using correlation coefficient test revealed there is meaningful relationship between attitude toward rural tourism impacts and local people income and their orchard area. Finding of stepwise multiple regression analysis revealed that orchard area; annual income; and level of education as three independent variable can predict about 40 percent of attitude toward rural tourism impacts as dependent variable. Some recommendation have presented according to research results at the end of article.


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