Document Type : Original Research


1 Assistant professor, Academic Center for Education, culture, and Research, Environmental Research Institute

2 Researcher, Academic Center for Education, Culture and Research, Environmental Research Institute


Identification of stakeholders and local communities to determine their awareness about wetlands is essential according to the objectives of the Communication, Education, Participation and Public Awareness (CEPA) program. To plan and take the necessary measures for the conservation and wisely use of wetlands need to participation of local communities and their awareness raising. The statistical population of this study was 8 villages of rural municipality households of Amirkelaye Wetland, which were selected by available sampling method. The 108 questionnaires were distributed using a sample size based on the number of households in each village in summer 2020. The research methodology is conducted in a descriptive and analytical manner, so that at the descriptive stage, the present situation is identified and in the process of work, using statistical analysis. Variables were source of taking information about the wetlands, knowledge about wetland functions and treated factors and the measures to protect the wetland. The results showed that the above variables did not show significant differences between villages (p < 0.05). But there was a significant difference between the dependent variable of public awareness and the above independent variables.


Main Subjects

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