Document Type : Original Research


The purpose of the present study was to analysis of effective factors on decreasing of rural youth social alienation decreasing in the Ardabil County. The research method was analytical -explanative survey type. It can be said that studied population in this study consists of all youth living in rural areas of Ardabil County in 2016 (N= 49297), among which 382 persons were selected as statistical sample using Cochran formula. Sample size was determined based on the Cochran’s formula and the required data were collected through questionnaires. Content validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by professors and experts and its reliability was determined based on Cronbach's alpha (0.79-0.85). In order to analyze the data, factor analysis model was used and the results of this model showed the most important factor reduction of youth social alienation in studied region includes four components (reinforcement of social capital, reinforcement of psychological capital, reinforcement of cognitive capacities and religion believes and promotion of enjoinment and overcoming of happiness space and hope) that explained variance and the cumulative variance by the five factors 61.62.


Main Subjects

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